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Gardening with Kids Video: Starting Seeds Using Toilet Paper Tubes

Jen Betterley

Published on: December 30, 2013

Like most families, you're probably looking forward to March for one major reason -- the beginning of gardening season! Throughout the spring, we'll be featuring a variety of how-to gardening videos for parents and kids that'll offer helpful tips and money-saving tricks for growing your backyard blooms and delicious veggies.

Featured on, this video has totally inspired me to forgo my annual spring trip to the gardening store for starter supplies -- and I hope that you'll find some inspiration as well (even if it only serves as a friendly reminder to get your starts prepared this weekend). But really, there's nothing that I appreciate more than an inexpensive, DIY approach to a task that I typically spend money on each year!

Since first watching the video, we've been keeping an extra bag next to the bathroom waste bin that's been slowly, but surely, filling up with cardboard tubes throughout the weeks. I'm actually quite impressed -- even our houseguests in the past month have (politely and silently) understood that I am apparently stocking up on cardboard tubes for one reason or another. (At least they'll understand that I have not, in fact, come down with a strange new obsession once they see our seed starts!)

Watch on for a full tutorial on how to get started with your little ones -- you'll not only be putting those old toilet paper tubes to good use, but this project is a great way to help your kids become invested in the family garden. And not to mention, it's also an excellent hands-on learning experience!

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