Let’s be real: I’m not above a good ‘ol fashioned bribe. It sure beats nagging or yelling for them to "hurry up" one million times before we leave the house. So, when I want my kids to move quickly, I offer them a reward. Some of the things I’ve used as bribes include a few extra minutes to stay up at bedtime, one extra TV show when they get home from school, or a special game or treat after dinner. And when we’re really in a rush, I offer to take them for a Starbucks drive-thru treat if there’s time to spare.
Diana Cherry is a local writer and activist. She's written for Hello Darling, The Creative Mama, Nourishing Moms Naturally, Milkmakers and more. She currently works for The Who We Are Project. She lives in Woodinville with her partner and four kids.