See How 3 Families Live in These Multigenerational Homes

Courtesy of Houzz
Together in Grandma’s Italian Kitchen
Who lives here: Francesca Broggian, 81; Ottorino Scquizzato and wife Michela Tasca, both 57; Wilma Scquizzato, 56, and husband Paolo Melchiori, 61; Giulia Scquizzato and husband Fabio Vanin, both 31, and infant daughter Anna Vanin; Elena Scquizzato and husband Luca Milan, both 28.
Location: Piombino Dese, northeastern Italy
The house: This 11,840-square-foot (1,100-square-meter) farmhouse, the family home for five generations, has gone through four renovations. Today, just under half of it is open to guests as B&B Ca’ de Memi
Family occupations: Some family members work for the B&B or on the farm, others have outside jobs. Great-Grandma Francesca tends to her friendships and flowers. Grandpa Ottorino takes care of the animals and the edible garden. Grandma Michela is the founder of the B&B. Aunt Wilma is an avid cake baker. Giulia, the daughter of Michela and Ottorino, takes care of public relations for the B&B and handles the reception. Her sister, Elena, is the creative director for the B&B.
How long they’ve lived together: “It all started in 1954 when [my] Grandma Francesca got married to Memi, founder of this house,” Elena says. “My sister, Giulia, and I were both born here, and little Anna as well.”
What they like doing together: “We like to think about new possible future projects, make breakfast with the eggs from Ottorino’s chickens, together with our guests, and have a great long lunch in Grandma’s kitchen, the place we love most as it’s full of our memories,” Elena says. “We like to pick fruit from the trees and prepare jam together. The common areas where we like to gather are the garden, the breakfast room and the porch. Private? I’d say that just the bedrooms are private space here!”
The good and bad of living under one roof: “In a big house like this you never get bored, and there are plenty of people every day. There is always something to do,” Elena says. “There are lots of duties and responsibilities in order to have things work — this is a big farm and country house. The good side of a big family is that you can learn a lot from the others; we are all very close and we help each other a lot.”