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Lures to Hook Kids on Books

10 clever ways to get your child to read


Published on: September 17, 2024

Young boy sitting in a play room with a stuffed bear with plastic containers of books

One of the most important things parents can do is raise a reader. Success in reading leads to successes in academics and gives kids a solid start in life. In fact, research shows that kids who read at least 15 minutes a day make accelerated gains in reading.

But no matter how diligently parents support reading, sometimes kids resist. Books have to compete with those oh-so-scintillating devices, video games and streaming apps.

Why not shake things up and try stealthy ways to inspire your kids to fall in love with reading? The following 10 ideas are sure to win over the most reluctant reader.

1. Free stuff.

If your kids don’t believe you, ask Alexa, Siri or Google “What free stuff can kids earn by reading?” and oodles of items will pop up. By merely recording the titles they are reading, my own children have earned pizzas, frozen yogurt, books from Barnes & Noble and amusement park tickets.

2. Let the books out.

Don’t cage them high on the shelves! Research shows that kids from print-rich homes are better readers, but it helps if the books, magazines and newspapers are out where kids can see them. Put bins and baskets of books in the bathroom, in the car, and spread out books with inviting covers all over the hard surfaces in your home.

3. Reward with extra bedtime reading.

Have you noticed that your child who avoids reading like the plague during the day suddenly develops a fondness for it at bedtime? Embrace this and let your child earn extra reading time when they turn in at night. If they read for a specified amount of time or a certain number of books, extend lights out for a few minutes — as long as your child spends that time reading.

4. Make your book nook the envy of the neighborhood.

Think: tent with twinkle lights. Plump pillows. Comfy chairs. Make your child’s reading space as comfortable and inviting as you can. But you don’t have to get fancy; sometimes what adults think is a simple arrangement is a kid’s reading castle. When my children were young, they draped a sleeping bag over the footboard of our queen-size bed. Extending it from the back of the bed, they laid it over a chair and then curled up with their books in the “reading fort.” When reading time was over, we put everything away.

5. Make it a double feature.

Every year, new films come out that are inspired by books. If your child wants to see a movie that was based on a book, have them read the book first and then rent the movie and watch it together. Compare the two, and have your child explain which he or she liked better, the movie or the book.

6. Get graphic.

Um, I’m talking graphic novels here. They may not be the conventional kind of books parents grew up with, but they may draw your child into reading. And while you’re mixing it up, let them read comic books, too. Oh, and throw in some audiobooks and let them read on an e-reader or other device sometimes. Imagine all the possibilities that might engage your child in reading.

7. Let them order a magazine subscription.

Magazine subscriptions that come specifically for the kids of the house make them feel grown up and tempt them to read. Some good kids’ magazines to try: Ask, Ranger Rick, National Geographic Kids, Sports Illustrated Kids, Cobblestone, Ladybug and Highlights.

8. Tickle a funny bone.

From Jeff Kinney’s “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” to Peggy Parish’s “Amelia Bedelia” or Sara Pennypacker’s “Clementine,” a funny story is a good way to get kids to read. And if you read a humorous book with your child, you might find yourself chuckling along.

9. Let there be light.

Come on, don’t be so stuffy! Let them read with a flashlight under the covers. Also, there is a plethora of really cool reading lights in today’s universe. Headlamps are a unique option, and there are even book lights that keep track of minutes spent reading.

10. Be a rock star reader yourself.

Carve out time daily for your child to see you poring over the newspaper, curling up with your favorite book or discussing a tidbit from a magazine. Model a reading life and your child will be more likely to embrace the same literature-loving values.

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