5 Kid-Friendly Hikes in the Issaquah Alps

View of Tradition Lake. Credit: Tiffany Doerr Guerzon
Bus Trail, Round Lake and Tradition Lake
Find it: This trail is an add-on to the Swamp Monster and Big Tree trails, accessed from the High Point Way trailhead at Tiger Mountain.
If your crew is up for a little more exploration, terrific add-on trails take you by a pretty lake and an abandoned bus. There is a quite a web of trails in this area. Be sure to pay close attention to your route.
From the Big Tree, continue on until you come to a “T”. Here you will see the Brink Trail sign on your right. Turn left on the Brink Trail. Pass under a power line and come to a spot where you can go three ways. Here you will see the Adventure Trail sign straight ahead of you. Facing the Adventure Trail sign, take the trail on your left that goes uphill. At the top of the hill you will see a trail on your right, which is not marked with a sign; it is the Wetlands Trail. You will know you are in the correct spot if you see a telephone pole with the numbers: 219531,170783 on the right a few feet in. Keep on this trail until you come to a sign for Wetlands Trail and Wetlands Connector. Stay right to take Wetlands Trail.
You will soon see glimpses of Round Lake through the foliage and eventually will come to a clearing with a bench to rest and observe Round Lake. This is a perfect spot to pause and take a water break.
When you are ready, continue on until you see the Bus Trail sign. Go left and walk a few hundred feet to see the rusted-out remains of an old bus. This bus has been there for ages and it is speculated that loggers possibly converted it into a field kitchen, but who knows? You can walk right up to the bus, but caution kids not to climb or play on it, as it has sharp, rusty edges.
When you are done checking out the bus, backtrack to the sign and head north. This will take you to the Around the Lake Trail; take a right turn there. On this path, you will get nice views of Tradition Lake; be sure to stop at the viewing deck. As you head back, look for the in-ground plaques that display varying animal footprints. You will exit at the Forest trail and cross the road and then walk straight back to the trailhead where you began.
Next up: Talus Rocks