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Low Tide Beach Scavenger Hunt for Seattle-Area Families

9 fascinating sea creatures to search for on any Puget Sound beach

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Published on: February 06, 2024

Low Tide Beach Scavenger Hunt for Seattle-Area Families

California sea cucumber in a Seattle tide pool
California sea cucumber

4. Sea cucumber

Sea cucumbers are a rare and special sight to see in Puget Sound tide pools. They can be found on the sloped undersides of boulders, usually farther out, near deeper pools. A common variety is the California sea cucumber, which is red with yellowish spikes and can grow up to a foot long.

Why they’re cool: Sea cucumbers are scavengers and have been called the vacuums of the sea. Though they’re soft to the touch, they’re actually related to the tough-skinned sea stars.

Up next: fish

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