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Great parenting resolutions

Published on: January 01, 2009

Having fun1. Wear your kid-colored glasses. Try to see the world the way they do, and don’t be afraid to be silly. 

2. Swear off swearing. Find a wittier way of venting your frustration.

3. Know when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em. Recognize when it’s appropriate for parents to stay in the game; but on the less important hands, let kids run with the pot. 

4. Practice what you preach. If you want your child to be honest with you, don’t let them catch you telling lies — even to a door-to-door salesperson.

5. Try "storytelling marketing." Take a tip from advertisers — move away from the in-your-face marketing of values. Instead, promote your message more subtly with stories that demonstrate good choices.

6. Be a good “wing mom” (or dad). Take your child’s side sometimes — don’t always play devil’s advocate.

7. Listen to your child’s advice. Sometimes daughter knows best — even if she’s only 5.

8. Don’t be afraid to apologize.

9. Remember, some rules (or resolutions) are meant to be broken. A banana split for breakfast isn’t the worst thing in the world.

Need more great ideas? Try these links:

Twenty healthy New year's resolutions for kids from the American Academy of Pediatrics

Good resolutions to make as a family

Good learning exercise for kids to come up with their own resolutions

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