ParentMap, August 2015 Issue

nicole persun headshot pinto portrait

Published on: July 28, 2015

ParentMap, August 2015 Issue

 ParentMap's August Issue is Here!

Welcome to our brain issue. Don't miss our deep-dive into the extensive brain-science research. Learn how understanding what is happening inside kids’ brains allows parents and teachers to skillfully coach stressed, hyperactive and over-stimulated kids on how to best regulate their emotions so they have better chances to succeed.

August means we’re all hesitantly progressing away from summer and thinking back-to-school prep. But we’re hoping to help your family hold onto this favored sunny season by sharing our scrumptious scoop on where to rack up the brain freezes. 

And don't miss our story on the hottest back-to-school trends and gear for all ages (you could even win a $250 shopping spree!)

Subscribe Now!

Read the entire issue online. And see all of our past issues in the online archives.


Ages & Stages: 

3-10: School Year Lunch Gear for All Ages

4-6: Ready or Not: Is Your Child Ready for the Kindergarten Plunge?

5-16: Hottest New Fall Fashion Trends for Back-to-School 


Dear Reader: Brain-Building and Brain-Freezes

Brain Fuel: Parent News, Snack-Sized

Ask the Experts:

How Do I Get My Teenage Night Owl to Sleep?

Do I Step In to Parent Others on the Playground?


Win a $250 back-to-school shopping spree!


How Mind-Boggling Brain Research is Changing the Way We Parent

Out & About: 

Sweet Ice Cream Day Trips Around Washington

Coolest Wheels in Town: 21st-Century Ice Cream Trucks

Sweet Success: How Molly Moon Neitzel, Ice-Cream Empress, Makes it Work

Make Your Own Ice Cream! 7 Cool Products

Someone You Should Know: 

Amber Kai Morgan, of The Makery 


Family-Meeting of the Minds: The One Thing Every Family Needs



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