Leave it to a Seattle-based company to turn a drippy day into an opportunity to create outdoor art. Started with a Kickstarter campaign in 2015, Rainworks sells an invisible, waterproof spray you can apply to surfaces such as a flat, dry sidewalk to create a design. The challenge (and what makes it fun) is that it won’t be visible until the rain comes (you can, of course, simulate rain by spraying it with water).
To make your rainwork, order the spray from the website, which also has a gallery of inspiring examples and step-by-step tutorials. Experiment with free-form designs or use a stencil to create something more structured. Your art will last a few months, revived each time it rains, before fading away.
Rainworks’ spray is a little pricey ($29 for a 2-oz. starter kit) and, for now, is only available through the company’s website.
Don’t want to spend the cash? Check the Rainworks website for a map of locations where the invisible spray has been applied and then go visit on a rainy day to look for art, such as a hidden hopscotch outline, playful quotes and cute graphics.
The company also held a Pokémon scavenger hunt in and around Seattle that's now over. If you missed it, keep your eye on the website for another edition.