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Seattle's Feather Boa Fathers on 'It Gets Better'

Jen Betterley

Published on: December 30, 2013

There has been a flurry of 'It Gets Better' videos since Dan Savage first released his heartfelt message two months ago on bullying, coping with discrimination as a gay youth and how he and his partner overcame this difficult time period in their lives. Since this first 'It Gets Better' video, many have reached out with their own videos urging teens to remember that they have the rest of their lives ahead of them and most importantly that this too shall pass.

We love this 'It Gets Better' video shown above by Seattle's own, Feather Boa Fathers. Made up of over 100 gay families, this group organizes local family-friendly events throughout the year for gay fathers and their children in hopes of providing an environment that is nurturing, supportive and celebratory. Check out the Feather Boa Fathers website for more information on upcoming events.

And, if you are an LGBT individual that is looking to start a family, consider checking out our November feature, Seattle's 'Gayby Boom': Different Paths to Parenthood, for information on local and national resources, personal stories from fellow LGBT families and much more.

With a rise in teen suicides due to bullying in recent years, the It Gets Better Project could not be more important. Life is too short; and it is crucial that we show our support for young individuals that are being victimized due to their sexuality and the hate and intolerance of others. If you know an LGBTQ teen that has been bullied or that may be contemplating suicide, we encourage you to direct them to the Trevor Project, a 24-hour, confidential crisis and suicide-prevention hotline for youth.

Want to see more fantastic 'It Gets Better' videos?

We loved these three 'It Gets Better' videos as well:

Glee's Chris Colfer

Project Runway's Tim Gunn

Beloved dancing talk show host Ellen DeGeneres

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