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Here's Exactly How Much Sleep You've Lost as a Parent

No wonder we're all hanging on by a thread — or latte

Jody Allard

Published on: August 30, 2017


It’s no secret that no parents are tired. But just how much sleep you’ve lost caring for newborns and toddlers, and soothing the bad dreams of nervous grade-schoolers was (thankfully) unknown. Until now.

If you’ve ever wondered exactly how much sleep you’ve lost as a parent, you don’t have to wonder anymore: There’s a calculator for that.

The brainchild of British interiors specialist Hillarys, The Lost Sleep Calculator For Parents allows parents to find out exactly how much shut-eye they’ve lost over the years as a result of their darling children.

But the fun — or sobbing over your lost sleep — doesn’t stop there. The tool also reveals tongue-in-cheek statistics, such as how many parents have cradled the family cat instead of their baby due to tiredness, how many have left the house wearing odd shoes and also how many have put their mobile phone in the fridge whilst sleep deprived.

Tanya Irons, spokesperson for Hillarys, says: “Whether you think you’re losing a little or a lot of sleep, this tool is a great way to find out just how much. No matter whether you’ve lost months or years of sleep though, I’m sure everyone will agree that they are worth it.”

In my case, as the mother of seven kids — including three sets of twins — the calculator revealed that I’ve lost 32 months of sleep. Suddenly, my three-espresso-a-day habit makes so much more sense.

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