While searching for edible crafts to do with my nieces, I happened to come across this recipe (and lovely photo) for snow cream and I could barely believe my eyes.
How could I not have known about this?!
I grew up in Alaska, where my childhood revolved around the three to six feet of snow in our yard on any given winter day. Or, as my inner 6-year-old self now sees it — the three feet of SNOW CREAM that blanketed the yard each year. After getting over my initial surprise of seeing ice cream made from snow, I decided to investigate this said snow cream. And guess what — there are tons of recipes out there! (Pinch me.)
I’m kicking myself for not having seen this idea during one of the snow storms that left Seattle paralyzed and blanketed with icy roads in the past few years. And though our snow days may be short-lived here in the lowlands, I’ll continue to have hope!
If you, too, have never heard of snow cream and also have an inner 6-year-old self who is just dying to try it, here’s the scoop on a handful of snow cream recipes that we are super excited about:
- Chocolate chip snow cream
- Maple snow cream
- “New and improved” snow cream (made with vanilla pudding — ZOMG!)
- Strawberry snow cream
Editor’s note: This article was originally published in December 2013, and updated in January 2024.