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The Heroic Pilot From Yesterday's Emergency Landing? She's a Mom

Published on: April 18, 2018

Tammie JO
Tammie Jo Schults. Photo credit: Facebook

Calm in the face of a crisis? Perseverance toward a challenging goal? Protective instinct over those in her charge? These are qualities of a mom. And Southwest Airlines pilot — and mom — Tammie Jo Schults put them to good use this week.

You may have come across Schults' name yesterday when news broke that one of the two engines on her Boeing 737-700 blew apart while at 32,500 feet. Schults and her crew began a terrifying descent toward Philadelphia International Airport.

Tragically, the incident killed one woman (also a parent) and left seven others injured. Survivors, who feared the worst, have praised Schults for her quick response and level-headedness throughout. One passenger, Amanda Bourman, told the Associated Press she "prayed and prayed and prayed" and held her husband's hand, fearing they'd leave their daughters without parents.

Captain Shults, a former fighter pilot, landed the damaged plane and saved dozens of lives.

In a world that continues to undervalue — and underestimate — working mothers, we love seeing another example of working mom kicking butt at her job.

Fly on, Captain Schults.

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