Best Outings for Seattle-Area Kids With Sensory Needs or Disabilities
A boy explores a museum’s exhibits during a special sensory-friendly session.
Sensory-friendly activities around Seattle
If you have a child with sensory needs, you know those needs extend beyond the controlled confines of your home and your child’s school. Everyday trips to the grocery store or to the neighborhood park may carry extra challenges. Visiting a busy museum can quickly overwhelm a child with sensory issues, and a typical playground might be useless to a kid who gets around with the assistance of a wheelchair.
I’ve been there, and as a parent of a child with an autism spectrum disorder, I feel strongly that kids with disabilities deserve more options when it comes to fun, sensory-friendly things to do.
Fortunately, the number of destinations catering to the unique needs of our families is growing all the time! We’ve gathered a list of outings and activities around Seattle that cater to children with sensory needs or disabilities, along with their families.
First up: Exploration for All