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7 Must-Reads from Around the Web, March 27

Author Elisa Murray

Published on: December 30, 2013

hunger-games-ka10_300-wEditor’s note: This is a weekly digest of stories we’re following — trends, news you can use and provocative parenting reads. Do you have a good read for us? Write

1. Should your kids see The Hunger Games? A editor gives her take.  (You might also read the NYT review.)

2. NYT's Motherlode blog on the tragedy of Trayvon Martin and why we all need to be part of the conversation about what led to his murder.

3. Can you believe that bottled water may be causing tooth decay in kids?

4. New research shows that exposing kids to alcohol at an early age -- what some think of as the European way -- might pave the way for alcohol-related troubles later on.

5. Parents who send their kids to private school believe they'll receive a better, safer education there. Cultural critic Naomi Wolf looks at why, increasingly, this may not be true.

6. Have a 2-year-old in diapers? Then you'll love this series by a mom cartoonist on toddler diaper changes: The chase! The stalling! The frantic search for distraction!

7. More on the humor front: A preview of How Not to Kill Your Baby, a parody of parenting books in the vein of What to Expect et al.

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