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Outdoor Education Blends Science and Creativity to Support Learning

At Centrum’s Water World Camp kids take a deep dive into marine science and art

Sharon Mead headshot

Published on: February 21, 2025

kids on the beach at Water World outdoor education experience
David Conklin

Editor’s note: This article was sponsored by Centrum

Learning in a classroom setting is important. But do your kids get enough learning beyond the school hours that supports their development — physically, mentally and emotionally? One-in-four kids is deficient in physical activity, while screen time and sedentary habits dominate our daily lives. There is a growing recognition of the unique benefits that outdoor education provides.

Outdoor education is a surefire way to keep young minds engaged and bodies active. Studies have shown that students who learn outdoors develop an array of skills including: independence, confidence, creativity, empathy, enhanced decision-making and problem-solving skills, motor skills, self-discipline and a sense of self. For many parents, school breaks, like the upcoming weeklong spring break, are opportunities to change up family routines and immerse kids in an outdoor environment.

Water World, a dynamic collaboration between the Port Townsend Marine Science Center and Centrum, is the organization’s most popular outdoor education camp. With a curriculum centered on marine science and immersive arts, fifth- and sixth-grade students take a deep dive into learning more about the natural world and themselves.

Improving kids’ relationships with the environment and their bodies

Spending intentional time outdoors is rewarding for children. In fact, studies show that being outdoors and studying the natural world develops empathy for our environment and encourages students to carefully maintain and respect it. Outdoor education sets the stage for children to develop a relationship with the environment and find their place in it.

Additionally, it’s a prime opportunity to develop their gross and fine motor skills as they move and use their bodies in challenging ways. The more relaxed natural outdoor setting also lowers stress levels in students, encouraging socialization and positive play.

Alyssa de Leon, program manager for creative youth development at Centrum, has seen this firsthand at Water World camp. “Interacting with the environment is rewarding and the physical benefits make this camp so beneficial for kids. Handling marine life or conducting experiments on the beach means they have direct experience that they can’t get in a classroom or at home. We keep them busy and engaged,” she says. “They are tired and happy by the end of the day.”

Fueling creative expression

Learning needs expression, and creativity plays a unique role in that process, allowing children to make learning personal. Through artistic expression, children can more fully integrate what they’ve learned into their minds and bodies. It also enables children to experiment with thoughts, and explore problem-solving and collaboration opportunities, all of which are important life skills.

The programming at Water World integrates ways for children to process their learning through creative methods: Art, dance, writing, painting, block printing, illustration, poetry and even a recycled sculpture class can be part of the creative experience. Students keep their field notebooks at-hand during camp and use them to draw and record the inspiration they see and feel around them.

“I often tell the kids that you will learn something — a new skill like how to juggle or paint — or maybe something about yourself. Water World encourages all kids to express themselves in new ways,” says de Leon.

So what if a particular creative expression is new to them?

“We don’t want them to feel uncomfortable, but often we find they are having so much fun, it’s easier to try new creative expressions, especially in a supportive environment with experienced teachers,” continues de Leon.

Trained Water World camp staff guide students in field sketching activities, writing and interactive science sessions. Staffer Billy B., writes songs that integrate science and music with a curriculum that centers around the Salish Sea. “Billy B. is what I like to describe as Weird Al meets Bill Nye. He’s a one-in-a-million science music rock star. The kids think he’s best — even pre-teens gravitate to him,” explains de Leon.

fifth and sixth grade students participating in Water World outdoor education camp
Outdoor education is a surefire way to keep young minds engaged and bodies active. Photo: David Conklin

Allowing different learning styles to thrive

Not all students can blossom in a traditional classroom setting. Those who learn best through tactile and kinesthetic means, and visual learners find they thrive in outdoor learning environments. Teachers discover that students with ADHD or other academic challenges have increased focus while learning outdoors. When children are able to learn in a way that meets their needs, they often make gains in social interaction with their peers, learning motivation, leadership and cooperation.

“Outdoor education creates the ‘art of inclusion’ and is accessible for different kinds of learners. Integration through different modalities is far more inclusive. Kinesthetic learners or students who need more movement for their bodies find that outdoor education suits them. This platform for social development fosters a tribe or crew for kids who might not fit in as easily at school. But we are naturally inclusive as the teams work together. In fact, there are little to no behavioral issues in our program,” comments de Leon.

Offering unique learning opportunities

We all know that the natural world has much to teach us. Outdoor experiences create teachable moments through organic, unstructured activities. This type of learning is free from screens, which dominate our lives, and allows for the brain to think more freely and creatively. It’s these practical hands-on experiences that guide children to think critically about our world and what their impact is on it.

Water World is a chance for students to experience natural environments so they work to protect their longevity. Students work together to articulate the skeleton of a gray whale and learn the story of its stranding. In addition, students investigate how marine mammals are specially adapted to survive and thrive in the ocean. They explore how human activities have impacted gray whale populations in the past and what can be done to protect the seas. Expedition Day is a day-long exploration of the beach and surrounding forest — studying, experiencing and creating.

“Parents can be worried when they drop off their kids that they will be away from instant contact with their child. We find that after the first 12 hours of camp — together and outside — the campers have mostly forgotten about their phone and checking it. They get the gift of being free of technology and focus on being children together,” de Leon says.

Students work in small groups that rotate through activities in the field as well as in performance studios, museum and aquarium exhibits. Each day offers a mix of both scientific and artistic workshops. Evening programs include storytelling, activities at the Marine Science Center, and a student presentation on the final night, showcasing new learning about marine ecosystems and sharing artistic creations.

kids on the beach at Water World outdoor education Centrum
Water World is a chance for students to experience natural environments so they work to protect their longevity. Photo: David Conklin

Improving children’s sense of self and social skills

The 2005 American Institutes for Research (AIR) study noted that children who attended an outdoor education program had a significant increase in their self-esteem. Additionally, it’s reported that children had an improved sense of self-worth from proximity to nature and natural elements. Researchers found that preteens who went on a school trip to a five-day nature-based outdoor program were found to be significantly better than their peers at interpreting emotional and social cues.

“Connecting to the natural world gives kids more confidence,” says de Leon. “They are open to new experiences so bringing them to a place where they are challenged is a personal growth opportunity. Students are often transformed and break out of their shells and personal fears. They make new friends and improve their social skills through learning and playing. We find that kids become more inclusive of others,” continues de Leon.

The same study noted that outdoor education showed a significant increase in kids’ relationships with their peers, and had better conflict resolution skills over time, as compared to those who didn’t have outdoor education.

“Kids are grouped in a way to build friendships through their dorm and small group assignments. This shifts how children interact with each other and learn to make new friends in a safe setting,” explains de Leon.

Encouraging decision-making and problem solving skills

Experiential learning outside the classroom encourages children to develop critical decision making and problem-solving skills. Because of the inherent challenge of outdoor adventure, judgment and decision making are key traits for those engaged in outdoor adventure. By stepping outside their comfort zones and confronting real-life challenges, students develop critical life skills. The unpredictable nature of outdoor environments presents numerous challenges that require quick thinking and effective solutions.

Problem solving begins with field work at Water World. Through hands-on learning, students explore three different aquatic environments — a freshwater pond, a brackish lagoon and the shore of the Salish Sea. Students take one full day to observe plants and animals and take water quality measurements. This extended time of in-depth study leads to important discussions among the groups about how to best live in harmony with nature.

Working in groups gives students the opportunity for real-life situations where most everyone is called to work with a team or group in order to accomplish a goal. These decision-making and problem-building skills are built into outdoor education at Water World.

“We do direct experiments and students learn the scientific method,” explains de Leon. “Our surveys show that kids bring the conclusions they find back to their life at home. Their conclusions are shaped by scientific learning and it helps them make better decisions as they mature.”

Creating lasting memories

Outdoor education is not all about learning and education — it’s also about making friends and creating memories that children carry with them for their lifetime and back to their home. The camaraderie, sense of achievement and the outdoor activities that challenge children create an amazing experience that children will cherish forever.

When de Leon summarizes what she loves about Water World, she echoed the benefits. “It will ignite their creativity and they will find a deep appreciation for the beautiful natural world from the oceans to the forest. And I’m confident the kids will learn more about themselves in one week than they expect. It’s really fun to see them grow.”

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