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The Snacks of Summer

Published on: December 30, 2013

First Toddy hit us with this amazing s'more treat that has equal potential to make you delirious from deliciousness as it has to burn your house down.

And now this - homemade Cracker Jacks!

If you're like me, I first thought, who cares about Cracker Jacks? But after one bite I realized that I do! I care about Cracker Jacks! Especially warm ones.

Homemade Cracker Jacks

  • 1/4 c vegetable oil
  • 1/4 c brown sugar
  • 1/2 c unpopped popcorn kernels
  • salt to taste (you can add more at the end if necessary)
  • some peanuts (Suggestion from comments!)

Heat oil and popcorn over medium heat in a large pan. When oil sizzles sprinkle in brown sugar and salt. Cover and shake continuously until popping slows down. Makes 10 cups (that you just may eat all at once.)

Word on the street has it that if you use white sugar instead of brown in this recipe you'll get kettle corn! I have yet to try it but, really, can you go wrong?

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