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This Week's Must-Reads from Around the Web, May 8

Author Elisa Murray

Published on: December 30, 2013

300px-where_the_wild_things_are_book_coverEditor’s note: This is a weekly digest of stories we’re following — trends, news you can use and provocative parenting reads. Do you have a good read for us? Write

1. In a provocative Mother's Day campaign designed to remind the world of the large number of women who die in pregnancy and childbirth, model Christy Turlington is asking mothers to "disappear" on Mother's Day.

2. A must-watch: An inspiring music video made by a young leukemia patient at Seattle Children's -- starring his fellow patients -- to Kelly Clarkson's "Stronger."

3. Pioneering children's author Maurice Sendak -- who "wrenched the picture book out of the safe, sanitized world of the nursery" -- dies at 83.

4. Washington State opens the emergency cash fund to help fight the growing whooping cough epidemic; we're on track for as many as 3,000 cases in 2012.

5. We often talk about parenting firsts -- first foods, steps, first day of school. Here's a moving essay about the bitter-sweetness of parenting “lasts.”

6. Did you miss Sunday night’s Supermoon? Yep, me too -- catch some amazing photos of it from around the world here.

7. What’s Mother’s Day like for single moms? And how can others make it easier? Blogger "Ask Moxie" raises the question.

8. In an era of ubiquitous Facebook posts about the kids’ latest achievements, Huff Post columnist Glennon Melton argues for a no-bragging policy.

9. Our own Tom Douglas was named "Outstanding Restaurateur" by the James Beard Foundation -- an award knows as the Oscars of the food world.

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