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Video: The Attachment-Based Model of Child Development

Patty Lindley

Published on: October 29, 2013

Gordon Neufeld


The Attachment-Based Model of Child Development

Q&A with Dr. Gordon Neufeld, developmental psychologist and author of Hold On to Your Kids

Most parents of today have a general sense of what "attachment parenting" is, grounded in large part to an understanding of the benefits of early parenthood choices related to breastfeeding, baby wearing, co-sleeping, finding a village, etc.

Developmental psychologist Dr. Gordon Neufeld helps define the neurological and social-emotional import of the attachment-based model of child development, illuminating what "good" attachment looks like at various stages of a child's life — from bonding with baby to helping your teen reach his/her fullest potential and optimal emotional health.

Topics covered in the video include:

  • Overview of the fundamental principles of the attachment model of child development
  • Recent research findings in neuroscience
  • The importance of play to children's brain development
  • The long-term effects of using separation (time-outs) as a form of discipline
  • Advice for cultivating resilience, empathy and healthy independence in children
  • Tips for parents and caregivers working with children who are impulsive, easily frustrated, fearful or bossy
  • Parenting adolescents to maintain emotional connection during the challenges of the teen years
  • And more

Gordon NeufeldAbout Dr. Gordon Neufeld
Dr. Neufeld is a Vancouver-based developmental psychologist with over 40 years of experience working with children and youth and those responsible for them. The best-selling author of Hold On to Your Kids and a leading interpreter of the developmental paradigm, he devotes his time to teaching and training others, including educators and helping professionals.

His Neufeld Institute is now a world-wide charitable organization devoted to applying developmental science to the task of raising children.


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