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What Puget Sound Families Can Do to Help Our Local Orcas

Essential tips and resources to help the wildlife in Puget Sound

Bryony Angell

Published on: May 08, 2023

What Puget Sound Families Can Do to Help Our Local Orcas

whale breaching with a sunset sky in the background
Credit: Kersti Muul

Support your child’s advocacy efforts

“Children’s passion is fresh and inspiring,” said Katie Fellows, a former student of the Killer Whale Tales program. “Adults need to tell kids it’s okay to speak up, and then help kids do it.”

Now an adult, Fellows credits the hands-on learning of KWT as well as her parents’ guidance for inspiring and supporting her decision to pursue a career in environmental education. “Kids need a way to feel like they’re contributing and [that contribution] will fuel a kid who will grow up to be an advocate.” 

She suggests kids contact organizations directly to learn about ways and opportunities to help. If age restrictions are preventing them from volunteering, try finding a junior ranger program, science camp or club where a kid can meet like-minded peers. “Give your kid the room they need to grow into their passion,” said Fellows. The whales — and world — will benefit.

Editor's note: This article was originally published in 2020 and was updated most recently in 2023. 

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