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Gorgeous Wildflower Hikes for Seattle-Area Families

Where to find beautiful flowers along kid-friendly trails

Published on: July 05, 2024

Gorgeous Wildflower Hikes for Seattle-Area Families

A girl hiker with a backpack poses on a footbridge across the Icicle Gorge near Leavenworth, among best wildflower hikes near Seattle
The bridge across Icicle Creek along the Icicle Gorge Nature Loop Trail. Credit: Jennifer Johnson

Icicle Gorge Nature Loop

Outside of Leavenworth, along the Icicle Creek Road, the Icicle Gorge Nature Loop is a scenic nature loop that’s great for families. From the parking area, we usually head downstream. Enjoy walking in the forest and look for lupine, bunchberry, penstemon, Indian paintbrush and other interesting wildflowers.

The trail crosses the turbulent Icicle Creek on a sturdy and handsome bridge before heading west, back upstream toward the Rock Creek Campground. This path travels through several different microclimates, allowing for a wide variety of plants to be found. Take a break in a quiet spot by the river or in the picnic area at the campground. Cross Icicle Creek on the auto bridge and find the trail back downstream to the parking area.

Hike details: 4.2 miles, 150 feet elevation gain

Kids will love: My kids love crossing the bridges, playing in the river in quiet sections.

Parents should know: There are some steep drop-offs to the raging creek in parts. There is an outhouse at the trailhead. A Northwest Forest Pass or Interagency Pass is needed to park.

Next up: Ingalls Creek

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