Come celebrate with us the collaborative works of some of Seattle's prominent rising artists: Anna Freedman, Qin Tan, Jack Carroll (Jack Tusk), Sienna Burnett, Tom McGahern (Crews), Abe Poultridge, Abigail Hagan, Natalie Reitz, and Grace Witherell.
This showcase will provide a glimpse into the power of art transcending medium with music, poetry, painting, live animation, and film colliding to provide an immersive arts experience!
"The Next Stage collective believes in the power of chipping away, of small steps leading to a large thing, of smearing loudly and direct thought.
The Next Stage collective is a practice, a group of people with ideas for 'making,' and a belief that the road to success as an artist is actually just a regular road with a lot of traffic."
- Sienna Burnett (Next Stage Artist '16-'17)