Art and the Garden Workshop with Nancy Moore, Native Plant Expert and Field Sketcher Extraordinaire and April Richardson local Artist and Naturalist
Nancy and April will share their experience and knowledge about Native Plants, field sketching and drawing and creating dyes from local native plants. There will be opportunities to practice and create your own art too. The plants and flowers blooming in the garden should be wonderful to see and experience and to sketch and draw too. Everyone is welcome. Bring your own sketchpad or we will have paper and some art supplies.
The workshop will be at the Edmonds Wildlife Habitat Native Plant Demo Garden located on the NW corner of Pine Street and Edmonds Way at the Willow Creek Hatchery Building 95 Pine Street. Street parking on Pine Street or down the driveway in the small parking area for those with limited mobility. For more information or our Face Book page Edmonds Wildlife Habitat or email 425-771-8165