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Aviation and Space Leaders Talk Green on Earth Day

Calendar/Event Details

Join us for our special Earth Day programming and learn about the future of green aviation.

11:00 AM to 11:45 AM
First Mode: Clean Energy Solutions from Mars Rovers to Solving Climate Challenges

First Mode co-founders Chris Voorhees and Peter Illsley talk about clean energy solutions. Voorhees and Illsley were both previously on the NASA Mars Science Laboratory Curiousity rover team, and now bring their space tech approach to address climate challenges on Earth.

12:00 PM to 12:45 PM
Reusable Rockets with Stoke Space

Kelly Hennig, COO of Stoke Space, will discuss why routine, reusable launch unlocks a robust space economy and enables humanity's sustainable growth.

2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
The Path to Green Aviation: The Innovation and Technologies Behind Aviation’s Sustainable Future

This panel discussion with four women leaders in the sustainable aircraft industry will focus on the development of green aircraft technologies that will transform air travel and reduce aviation’s carbon footprint.

Jen Uchida, President of the Society of Flight Test Engineers and Manager of Flight Test Engineering at AeroTEC.

Yolanka Wulff, Executive Director of the Community Air Mobility Initiative (CAMI).

Dr. Anita Sengupta, CEO & Founder of Hydroplane.

Sara Roggia, Head of Protections and Controls at MagniX.

Image: Reusable rocket upper stage test, photo courtesy of Stoke Space.

Event Details