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Bellevue Chamber Chorus presents "Water Music: Songs of Rain, Rivers, Lakes and Oceans"

Calendar/Event Details

“It is life, I think, to watch the water. A man can learn so many things.” (Nicolas Sparks) Join us for
a celebration of the literal and figurative waters running through our lives: captivating settings of
Ps.42:1 (As the deer longs for water) by Palestrina (Sicut cervus) and Mendelssohn (Wie der Hirsch
schreit), the smooth, slow drifts of Samuel Barber’s To Be Sung on the Water and Gwyneth Walker’s
arrangement of the spiritual Deep River, rollicking waves of Aaron Copland’s The Boatmen’s Song,
tango-inspired Noche de Lluvia (Night of Rain) by Sid Robinovitch, the inexorable current of Alice
Parker’s Take Me to the Water, and many others… Kawouno wan gi pi – “today, we have water! We
are so happy!”

Event Details