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Giants of the Salish Sea: Humpbacks and Gray Whales

Calendar/Event Details

Join us on November 6th at 2pm for an exciting and timely talk about the latest information on the returning giants of the Salish Sea: Humpbacks and Gray Whales with John Calambokidis from Cascadia Research Collective. John Calambokidis is a Senior Research Biologist and one of the founders of Cascadia Research Collective, a non-profit research organization formed in 1979 based in Olympia, Washington. His primary interests are the biology of marine mammals and the impacts of humans. Some of his recent research has included attaching tags to whales with suction cups to examine their feeding behavior and vocalizations. His work has been covered on shows by National Geographic, Discovery Channel, BBC, and others.

Once you're at the Estuarium you can explore the Puget Sound through the lens of an Orca through our rotating exhibit, The Orca Odyssey, on display October through January. The exhibit consists of beautiful photos of orcas, information about their history in this area, and the survival challenges they continue to face. You will learn about what they eat, how they live, and get to understand the relationship the Southern Resident Orcas have with the greater Puget Sound. We have samples of real marine mammal pelts, teeth, and a Harbor Porpoise Skeleton on display as you explore the exhibit to further contextualize the life of an orca in these waters. There will even be themed games and crafts!

Standard admission costs apply: $8/family, $5/individuals, $3/youth (18 and under), Free with EBT. Masks are required, and COVID-19 protocols will be in effect.

Event Details