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Owl Prowl at Discovery Park

Calendar/Event Details

This walk will occur rain or shine, though will be canceled for dangerous weather conditions. Please leave pets at home.

Meeting Spot: Discovery Park South Parking Lot

Trip Accessibility: leisurely pace along park trails, ~1.5 miles of travel

Leader: Nathaniel Peters

Dusk is a special time of the day for birding, particularly when one is hoping to catch a glimpse of nocturnal species such as owls.

On this evening venture, we will meet at the South Parking Lot of Discovery Park and then walk some of its meadow and forest trails. We will look in particular for these stealthy hunters as they become more active, while also keeping our eyes and ears open for any diurnal birds taking advantage of the last of the day’s light.

The walk will be relatively leisurely, but we may encounter some uneven terrain. Participants should wear sturdy shoes and bring a flashlight, in addition to any standard birding gear they may bring (e.g., binoculars). With the diminishing light, we will be losing visibility and participant safety is our primary concern.

Whether or not we locate any owls on this “owl prowl”, we will certainly have the opportunity to discuss these specialized predators, answer any questions you may have, and enjoy twilight in one of Seattle’s largest and most special habitats.

All are welcome.

No registration required.

Event Details