Puget Sound Community School will be holding our annual Fall Open House for prospective students on Saturday, November 4 from 12:30-2:30pm. This event is being held for those families seeking enrollment in middle or high school in the 2018-19 school year. (We say "Open" House, because it's an easy identifier, but we hope you'll plan to join us for the whole event).
• 12:30-12:45: Refreshments & Hi there, Hello's
• 12:45-1: Welcome and Overview with PSCS co-founder and director Andy Smallman
• 1-1:30: Q & A with community panel members (alum, current students, staff, board members, etc)
• 1:30-2:30: Curriculum experience with PSCS Teaching Staff
More info and directions can be found at pscs.org.