ECA’s Dementia-Inclusive Series launched in October 2015, and has developed collaboratively with the feedback and support of senior services organizations, eldercare and memory care professionals, and arts groups in the Puget Sound region. With the mission to create opportunities for people with memory loss and their care partners to connect and experience joy through the arts, ECA is committed to providing a space where community members with dementia feel welcome and valued; where their creative contributions are celebrated; and where quality time can be spent with families and care partners.
Dementia-Inclusive films are presented as informal theatre experiences. Audience members will be made aware that some patrons may talk or get up during the film – which is OK. Theatre house lights are left on low so the audience can see and move around if necessary. Although these programs are designed with accessibility for patrons with memory loss as a priority, events are open and welcome to an all-ages audience. In particular, the series presents an opportunity for younger family members, grandchildren and friends to spend time with elders in an intergenerational setting, and to connect over classic films.
10/21 - Fiddler on the Roof
1/13 - Mary Poppins