Based on the award-winning, groundbreaking novel by Chris Paul Curtis, this powerful play follows 10-year-old Kenny Watson and his family on a road trip from Flint, Michigan to Birmingham, Alabama. As the family travels though unfamiliar territory in the Deep South during the Jim Crow era, they encounter racism unlike anything they have experienced before. After a local church is attacked, an event that marks Civil Rights history, the Watson family comes together and proves that perseverance and resiliency can be found in the most unimaginable places.
This new work is commissioned by Seattle Children’s Theatre, UC Santa Barbara and Chicago Children’s Theatre and is recommended for ages 8 and over.
Approx. 70 minutes with no intermission.
The ASL Interpreted Performance of The Watsons' Go To Birmingham is May 15, 2022 at 2:30 p.m!
The Sensory Friendly/Relaxed Performance of The Watsons Go To Birmingham will be May 14, 2022 at 4:30 p.m!
Read ParentMap's review!
Image credit: Angela Sterling