Show Biz Kids is a non-auditioned performing group for kids 5-19 years old who just love to perform! We are getting ready to start our new season in January and would love to add some new performers to our cast!
Do you have , or are you, a child/teen who likes to sing? Dance? Act? Perform? Then come check us out for a sample rehearsal to learn what we are all about and how you fit in with this great community of friends.
We will warm up and get to know each other, learn a dance combo, play some acting games, and bring out the mics for some open singing to Disney and Dreamworks favorite songs (our theme for the season)!
Check out our page for more info on the group and the director. Take a peek at our Instagram for photos and videos from this last season @showbizkids_performinggroup . Email any questions to
**We are no affiliated in any way to the dance studio so please do not contact them