Why do we blow a shofar? What should we do in between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur? When do we sit in the sukkah? The answers to these questions – and much, much more – can be found in “A Time to Grow: A PJ Library Family Guide to the Fall Holidays”, a beautiful, free resource to help Jewish families around North America celebrate the fall holidays in engaging fashion. PJ Library’s is available to download now at pjlibrary.org/fallholidays.
Whether you’ll be at synagogue or celebrating at home, the beautifully-illustrated “A Time to Grow” offers families myriad creative ways to connect with the High Holidays: Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year), Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), Sukkot (Festival of Small Huts” and Simchat Torah (Rejoicing with the Torah). The colorful guide offers such engaging activities as “Make Your Own Shofar,” “Round Challah-braiding,” the story of Jonah for kids, instructions for shaking the lulav during sukkot, fill-in-the-blank discussion questions, step-by-step celebrations, including blessings all aimed at making the High Holidays meaningful, memorable and fun, this year and in the future.
Rosh Hashanah: Sept. 25-27
Yom Kippur: Oct. 4-5
Sukkot (First Days): Oct. 9-11