Tips from a parenting scholar for spotting mental health concerns and supporting struggling children
When to go, and what to expect
From young children to teens, the signs are surprisingly simple to spot
A relationship guru shares his expert advice
A veteran teacher’s formula for overcoming math anxiety for parents and students
Expert insights on the three habits that cultivate contentment
Here's how to approach their post-election feelings
These graphic novels deliver a positive and realistic representation of neurodiversity
Expert advice to help your family as we head into the school year
Kids can learn to manage anxiety and other overwhelming feelings
Travel and children’s health experts share takeaways for minimizing the effects of time-zone travel
Parenting strategies to help kids of all ages cope and thrive
Seattle-area groups push back with expanded support
How to help your child manage their big emotions
Exposure to distressing news can affect kids’ overall well-being
Save your family vacation with these strategies
6 tips to make those first days a success
Answers to your questions from the experts at Seattle Children’s
When and how to get help
One mom’s sideways journey to mindfulness
Reducing the stress of ‘the holiday blues’ is a gift for the whole family
Santa encounters for kids with sensory needs
A local expert’s ages-and-stages guide to helping reduce your child’s back-to-school concerns
New national hotline offers mental health support
What to avoid and how to support your kid in the right way
When something scary happens, teach kids how to seek out the helpers — and be one, too
Age-based tips on how to talk to kids about tragic news events
Strategies to help your child overcome their fear
Tools for helping kids understand and deal with their body's natural alarm system
How to handle those dreaded night terrors and nightmares
Five simple steps to help you cope with stress
Gentle discipline techniques to ease those legendary meltdowns
Help your child practice meditation and mindfulness with these child-friendly apps
Using social media for connection not comparison
Pop It! toys, chewelry, fidget spinners and more
Expert-approved tips for making Halloween celebrations a little easier
How to help your kid overcome school anxiety
Back-to-school is a really challenging time for kids
And what you can do to help
Expert tips for supporting the mental health of your youth athlete
Help your teen get their sleep back on track
Effective strategies to help your teen counteract the pandemic blahs
Mental health issues in children and teens are on the rise — here’s what parents can do
Proven therapeutic approach helps teens at highest risk
Easing coronavirus anxiety as a family
Ease your child’s headline anxiety with these tips
Yes, and it can be bad for your health
A simple craft to help lower your child's anxiety
How to lead the conversation and create a safe zone at home
One mom tries to find little things to be grateful for
What experts say you should do to help your child cope with scary news
How to tell if your teen needs help
We can’t just tell kids we care about their well-being — we have to show it
A simple idea that eases the the stress of airport travel for people with hidden disabilities
The solution? Don’t just do something, stand there!
How to bolster kids’ coping abilities
4 expert tips for managing parental separation anxiety
Behavioral telehealth program offers modern-day house calls to families in rural and underserved communities
Go beyond "You'll be fine"
The short version? Play heals.
Grooming doesn't have to be a struggle with these tips
A mom’s celebration of her introverted, anxious child
Five ways to handle your (or your child’s) “eco-anxiety”
Why our kids are so anxious and how we can help
At least, not so much
A mother's plea to relax this season
Sudden infant death syndrome is the leading cause of death in infants, here’s how you can help change that
A sneak peek of our upcoming event covering autism advocacy, pediatric anxiety and ADHD
Advice from a mom raising a child with special needs
A behavior analyst develops a 15-minute fix
What to look for and what to do
A note from ParentMap's CEO and publisher
It pays off for everyone
Author KJ Dell’Antonia shares the recipe for easier parenting
Read this before those fall sports practices start
5 questions with a local doctor
Consider three things: people, places, preparation
"Stitch this on a sampler and put it where you can see it."
Scilla Andreen of "Angst" shares what makes the movie so special
Seattle Children's hosts a Mental Wellness Fair
It'll pay off.
Is resilience the answer to a stressed kid?
What you need to know about their work
Rick Hanson on his new book "Resilient"
What you need to know about selective mutism
You don't want to know, but you should
A letter from a mother to her infant son
It's reading cats and dogs! Fun and helpful reading programs for kids
Laura Kastner, Ph.D., talks strategies for getting to calm
What we can do about it
See the groundbreaking film that will help your family tackle anxiety
It used to be all memes and wedding pics — then parenting took over
A mother and son figure out what they both need to thrive
3 less-than-obvious prenatal self-care tips
Tips on how to talk to your kids about difficult events
Learning to cope, one year at a time
Moving forward on an unclear path
Social media is here to stay but at what cost?
A Q&A with clinical psychologist Chris McCurry
A parenting pro recommends you stay SOBER
Your cautious kid can be independent with these tips
Why it's worth it and one place to start
Join ParentMap on June 6 for this groundbreaking film
Advice from a clinical psychologist
Encourage empathy and understanding with these awesome kid's books
Balancing activism and parenting while keeping your sanity
Here's how to get positive results from negative consequences
Headphones, surgical tubing and wiggle seats are helping kids learn better
5 ways to start a productive conversation
This is a crucial age for brain development
4 books that will help when your child fights drop-off
The Committee for Children inspires kids to stay mindful
Guilt: Who needs it? Treat yourself kindly and see how it benefits your family
Heavy conversations get a lift with these reading suggestions
When you and your child are frustrated, respond with compassion
4 simple steps to make visits to the dentist smooth and happy for everyone
Warning: deep breathing required
Does your child struggle with math? 'Mathemaphobia's' lasting impact.
Issaquah parenting lecture on turning worrying into growing
One parent asks whether her child's clinginess is normal, or if the behavior is a sign of something more serious
What to do, and what not to do, from a mom who has been there