ParentMap, January 2011 issue

Published on: January 01, 2011

January 2011 ParentMap Issue 

'Color blind' can't happen

...that's the startling message of this month's feature, a fearless look at the neurological and social underpinnings of racism in children.

Find out why raising kids with the message "All people are the same" can actually hinder egalitarian beliefs in children! And read about the one simple thing you can do to help your child develop cultural literacy.

Also this month, we debut a sparkling new section just for moms: Mind + Body! Does 'mommy brain' really exist? Why are you so tired? And a hot new trend in mom photography.

Subscribe Now!Read the entire issue online, or scroll down for links and cool online-only content.

Ages & Stages:

Getting School Ready: Talking to kids about money

Out & About:

Feature: Born Racist? The talk you must have with your kids'

NEW! Mind + Body Health and wellness news for women


Click here for this month's special "online only" content.

About this issue

Luck of the Jewish!

I was racing around 28 years ago during the lunch-hour rush in Chicago when a jovial old lawyer passed me on the street and said, “You Irish?” Beaming, I responded, “No, Jewish.”

I was giggling with amusement at this man’s quick mental equation. Wearing the spanking new British plaid skirt purchased on my recent honeymoon, and blessed with red hair and freckles — of course I look Irish!

That incident years ago seems to prove what we now know: The human brain spots difference, and sorts people into categories. This guy was just one wee leprechaun off.

Our January feature, “Are we born racist?” (page 16), will help focus your thinking about the role you play when talking to your children about people’s differences. Do you use the old “color blind” approach, pretending that we’re all the same? Do your kids see and hear you embrace differences, or do they observe your fear of them? Do you directly address the many racist messages your kids see in the media?  Our duty is to talk straight — because “silence is its own powerful teacher.”

We hope you love our new look, debuting this month and bursting with big art and more space.

Our brilliant art director Emily Johnson unleashed her amazing creativity with plenty of layout changes in this issue. Our content gets a healthy boost this month with a new section dedicated to your health, busy mom!

You are obviously so much more than a mother. We’re devoted to addressing your mind, body and spirit with our new monthly section: “Mind + Body” (page 10). Let us know what you think.

The ParentMap team enters 2011 energized and filled with new enthusiasm!

We’re giving you the chance to power up your favorite charity by voting for them to be 2011 Giving Together partners. Share with us why you are committed to a cause, and it may be selected. Visit You can honor our January partner, Roots of Empathy, by reading about the work they do ( and supporting them with your time or money!

Have a happy and healthy New Year.

—Alayne Sulkin, Publisher/Editor

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