ParentMap, July 2015 Issue

nicole persun headshot pinto portrait

Published on: July 01, 2015

ParentMap, July 2015 Issue

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With summer in full swing, we're tackling the challenge of free-range parenting. That's right! What happens when protective parents hoping to build their kids’ independence loosen the leash just a little? Our feature story offers a glimpse into three moms' free-range experience. 

And speaking of free-range, are you letting your child go too wild in the tech jungle? Also, explore the road to freedom with your teen by reading our guide to driver's ed together! And if you have an independent little one, you might want to start thinking about swimming lessons

And finally, the results are in for our annual Golden Teddy Awards, honoring the very best Seattle-area businesses for families!

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Read the entire issue online.


Ages & Stages: 

0-8: All You Need to Know About Your Child's First Swimming Lessons

6-12: Are You Letting Your Kids Go Too Wild in the Tech Jungle? 

15-18: Road to Freedom: A Parent's and Teen's Guide to Driver's Ed


Dear Reader: Find Your Free-Range Family Moments

Brain Fuel: Parent News, Snack-Sized

Ask the Experts:

How Do I Handle My Toddler's Temper Tantrums in a Positive Way?

My Tween Wants to Be Skinnier—What Do I Do?


Free-Range Challenge Part 1: A Worrier Mom is Always Anxious

Free-Range Challenge Part 2: Single Mom in the City Focuses on Safety

Free-Range Challenge Part 3: Anxious Mom in the Suburbs

Out & About: 

Playing Pioneer Around Puget Sound


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