12 Best Places to See Salmon Spawning Around Seattle and the Eastside

There are many places along the Duwamish River to see salmon spawning. Photo: iStock
Duwamish River, Tukwila
Head to one of four Duwamish River viewing locations — North Wind’s Weir, Duwamish Gardens Park, Codiga Park or Tukwila Urban Center Pedestrian Bridge — to see Chinook, coho and chum migrate upstream. Chinook and coho can typically be seen in August and September, and chum in October and November. Sites are well maintained and great places to view other native wildlife as well, such as bald eagles, ospreys and blue herons.
Locations: North Wind’s Weir (2914 S. 112th St., Tukwila), Duwamish Gardens Park (11269 East Marginal Wy. S., Tukwila), Codiga Park (12585 50th Pl. S., Tukwila) and Tukwila Urban Center Pedestrian Bridge (6800 Green River Trail, Tukwila)
When to see salmon: August through November
More info: Check the Duwamish Alive Coalition Facebook page for more info.
Next stop: Green River and Covington Creek