Lots of articles on the internet, lots of advice from grandparents, lots of competition amongst friends. What's best for your child? You?
When is the best time to potty train? 12 months, 18 months, 24 months, 2 ½ years, 3 years, 3 ½ years old?
What if there are multiple caregivers and everybody has a different strategy?
What if things are not going as planned?
Why is learning about POSITIVE potty training so important?
What about the relationship dynamics between you and your child during this time?
What did previous generations of parents do and why?
When is your child's body ready?
When is a good time for the family?
What words are helpful?
Whose accomplishment will it be?
You will get positive parenting information about potty training. You will get a chance to ask questions and to hear the questions of other parents and caregivers. This will be a LIVE event on Zoom with real questions, real answers and real voices. This event won’t be fancy, just helpful.
This talk will be given by Jennifer Watanabe, a long-time Parent Educator and Parent Coach. She is the Mom of two grown sons. Her students have been parents of toddlers and preschoolers at Bellevue College in Washington state. She recently retired from the college after more than 20 years of teaching.
Jennifer continues teaching in private practice and works as a parent coach. She is an encourager. She helps parents who have questions about parenting. Some parents who are struggling with parenting may need a fresh perspective and someone to talk to. Parents who are having a hard time may need more understanding of what they are going through, more support to help them get through this time and more grace. They will need more tools to use. They will need less criticism, less guilt, less self-blaming. She helps parents who need more resources and those who are experiencing being overwhelmed by parenting challenges or life’s circumstances.
For more informaiton, visit www.resourcesforparenting.com or www.overbeingover.com.
For questions or private one-to-one parent coaching: jenniferwatanabe@msn.com.
Register at the website below.