OWL (Offer of Wise-Minded Learning): Media Dieting
Are WMDs terrorizing your household?
Are you satisfied your media consumption and use of your WMDs (wireless mobile devices)? Are they under your control, or do they control you? Are you able to turn off everything for periods of time so that you can “be present” while doing other things? Can you enjoy silence? If you can’t, it’s likely that your kids have the same difficulty. This week, think about one or two steps that you can take to limit your electronic consumption. Choose one, and then decide what positive engagement will take its place. Then make a commitment to the family to implement this plan for one week. “For one week, I’ll turn off my computer at 8 p.m. each night.” You can also negotiate or impose a limit on your tween/teen’s habits, if you think it’s a priority.
Read more about “Digital Media and the Brain” and “Guidelines for Limiting Screen Time” in Wise-Minded Parenting: 7 Essentials for Raising Successful Tweens + Teens, in chapter 7: Physical Health.